Maç sonucu

Oyun Serveri Bilgileri

Server IP


Oyuncu Takım K/D Kill Death Asist +Puan +GCoin
hiNY is BACK! 1.Takım 0.91 20 22 4 0 137
Sodalaste Victoria 1.Takım 1.14 25 22 3 0 173
'SMA'L 1.Takım 1.10 22 20 4 0 133
T E G 1.Takım 0.86 18 21 6 0 117
Oyuncu Takım K/D Kill Death Asist +Puan +GCoin
LEON 2.Takım 1.10 22 20 4 0 23
magnalux 2.Takım 0.72 18 25 6 0 18
Ahtapot31 2.Takım 1.27 28 22 3 0 29

Ölüm detayları

Maç detayları


Yazan Mesaj Tarih
'SMA'L !gloves 04.05.2021 22:08
Sodalaste Victoria !gloves 04.05.2021 22:08
Sodalaste Victoria !gloves 04.05.2021 22:08
'SMA'L !gloves 04.05.2021 22:08
Obersoldaten !gloves 04.05.2021 22:08
Obersoldaten !gloves 04.05.2021 22:08
magnalux sa 04.05.2021 22:09
magnalux benim bıçağım yok admin 04.05.2021 22:09
hiNY is BACK! !değiş 04.05.2021 22:09
hiNY is BACK! !degiş 04.05.2021 22:09
Ahtapot31 ->ol 04.05.2021 22:10
hiNY is BACK! !switch 04.05.2021 22:10
magnalux !switch 04.05.2021 22:10
'SMA'L !knife 04.05.2021 22:10
hiNY is BACK! !pause 04.05.2021 22:10
LEON !knife 04.05.2021 22:10
T E G !knife 04.05.2021 22:10
Obersoldaten GL HF 04.05.2021 22:10
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:10
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:10
hiNY is BACK! skinleri ayarlayın diye aldım pauseyi 04.05.2021 22:10
magnalux !ws 04.05.2021 22:10
T E G !glowrs 04.05.2021 22:10
Obersoldaten Kenan yine karşımdasın kanka yeter yaw 04.05.2021 22:10
hiNY is BACK! hfhf 04.05.2021 22:10
T E G !glowes 04.05.2021 22:10
magnalux !knife 04.05.2021 22:10
uA '₅₃ !glove 04.05.2021 22:10
hiNY is BACK! .!gloves 04.05.2021 22:10
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:10
SERO ben abisiyim 04.05.2021 22:10
hiNY is BACK! .!ws 04.05.2021 22:10
LEON !knife 04.05.2021 22:10
hiNY is BACK! .!knife 04.05.2021 22:10
SERO serhat sizinle oynayan :D 04.05.2021 22:10
magnalux !skin 04.05.2021 22:10
magnalux !ws 04.05.2021 22:10
Sodalaste Victoria .!ws !gloves !knife 04.05.2021 22:10
'SMA'L !gloves 04.05.2021 22:10
SERO !skin 04.05.2021 22:11
LEON !knife 04.05.2021 22:11
hiNY is BACK! !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
magnalux !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
hiNY is BACK! !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
T E G !vs 04.05.2021 22:11
hiNY is BACK! !knife 04.05.2021 22:11
magnalux !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
hiNY is BACK! !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
T E G !knife 04.05.2021 22:11
'SMA'L !gloves 04.05.2021 22:11
magnalux !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
Sodalaste Victoria !knife 04.05.2021 22:11
Ahtapot31 !künefe 04.05.2021 22:11
hiNY is BACK! .!knife 04.05.2021 22:11
SERO !knife 04.05.2021 22:11
LEON !skin 04.05.2021 22:11
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
Sodalaste Victoria !ws 04.05.2021 22:11
LEON !sikin 04.05.2021 22:12
magnalux !ws 04.05.2021 22:12
Sodalaste Victoria !ws 04.05.2021 22:12
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:12
Sodalaste Victoria !ws 04.05.2021 22:12
Ahtapot31 !sv_cheats 31 04.05.2021 22:12
T E G !knife 04.05.2021 22:12
magnalux !ws 04.05.2021 22:12
uA '₅₃ !sikip60 B-) 04.05.2021 22:12
SERO !skin 04.05.2021 22:12
magnalux bu haksızlık 04.05.2021 22:12
magnalux pardon t say 04.05.2021 22:12
Ahtapot31 Meldung von Player abgesendet, Meldungs-ID: 3479257604528538033 04.05.2021 22:13
Sodalaste Victoria !gloves 04.05.2021 22:13
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:13
uA '₅₃ ayyyhhhh :D 04.05.2021 22:14
uA '₅₃ !pause 04.05.2021 22:14
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:14
Sodalaste Victoria !ws 04.05.2021 22:14
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:14
magnalux ender çok palavracı 04.05.2021 22:14
magnalux fps düşük deyip çıktı 04.05.2021 22:15
hiNY is BACK! !knife 04.05.2021 22:15
Ahtapot31 food gun save luck 04.05.2021 22:15
magnalux bide kaptan olcak 04.05.2021 22:15
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:15
hiNY is BACK! !gloves 04.05.2021 22:15
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:15
SERO !skin 04.05.2021 22:16
SERO !ws 04.05.2021 22:16
Ahtapot31 !knief 04.05.2021 22:16
uA '₅₃ -1 B=( 04.05.2021 22:17
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:17
hiNY is BACK! !knife 04.05.2021 22:17
hiNY is BACK! mola 04.05.2021 22:18
hiNY is BACK! !pause 04.05.2021 22:18
uA '₅₃ !pause 04.05.2021 22:18
hiNY is BACK! mola alın 04.05.2021 22:18
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:18
magnalux !pause 04.05.2021 22:18
magnalux !timeout 04.05.2021 22:18
uA '₅₃ almiyo 04.05.2021 22:18
hiNY is BACK! hayda 04.05.2021 22:18
magnalux ağla 04.05.2021 22:20
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:20
hiNY is BACK! !ws 04.05.2021 22:20
hiNY is BACK! !knife 04.05.2021 22:21
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:22
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:23
uA '₅₃ saçma yedim onu :( 04.05.2021 22:24
Obersoldaten awpyle kesiyon sandım 04.05.2021 22:24
uA '₅₃ asklşgasjklgsa 04.05.2021 22:24
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:24
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:25
SERO !skin 04.05.2021 22:25
magnalux !olmaz 04.05.2021 22:25
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:26
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:27
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:28
Obersoldaten w gang 04.05.2021 22:29
SERO !skin 04.05.2021 22:29
SERO !wx 04.05.2021 22:30
SERO !ws 04.05.2021 22:30
'SMA'L wtff 04.05.2021 22:31
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:32
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:32
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:32
Obersoldaten talha ateş et len 04.05.2021 22:32
LEON tm 04.05.2021 22:32
SERO yalan 04.05.2021 22:33
'SMA'L !WS 04.05.2021 22:34
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:35
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:35
Sodalaste Victoria !ws 04.05.2021 22:36
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:37
Sodalaste Victoria !ws 04.05.2021 22:37
'SMA'L alıcam p90 koşucam amk t de 04.05.2021 22:38
LEON sıksana abı 04.05.2021 22:38
Obersoldaten gh 04.05.2021 22:38
Obersoldaten sıktım lan ateş etmedin keko 04.05.2021 22:38
LEON .d 04.05.2021 22:38
'SMA'L gh 04.05.2021 22:38
hiNY is BACK! gh 04.05.2021 22:38
Obersoldaten awpyle 04.05.2021 22:38
Obersoldaten ferrari yedin 04.05.2021 22:38
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:38
uA '₅₃ kajfhgjaklhga 04.05.2021 22:38
'SMA'L 'ws 04.05.2021 22:39
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:39
uA '₅₃ hs 15 ne alaka 04.05.2021 22:39
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:39
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:39
uA '₅₃ !pause 04.05.2021 22:41
uA '₅₃ taktik mola :D 04.05.2021 22:41
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:41
Sodalaste Victoria !ws 04.05.2021 22:41
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:41
'SMA'L mola hakkı doldumu 04.05.2021 22:41
'SMA'L alınıyo mu 04.05.2021 22:42
uA '₅₃ alınıyo 04.05.2021 22:42
uA '₅₃ da 04.05.2021 22:42
uA '₅₃ ilkinde almadı 04.05.2021 22:42
uA '₅₃ çözemedm 04.05.2021 22:42
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:42
hiNY is BACK! -40 04.05.2021 22:42
uA '₅₃ 50 ne lan 04.05.2021 22:43
hiNY is BACK! -40 04.05.2021 22:43
hiNY is BACK! ahshdsahdhsada 04.05.2021 22:44
T E G asd 04.05.2021 22:44
hiNY is BACK! AHHAHSAHDHSAHDHSA 04.05.2021 22:44
'SMA'L DJASYD 04.05.2021 22:44
'SMA'L DASILKDAJSKODMO 04.05.2021 22:44
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:44
Ahtapot31 Welcome to Zynx Faceit-Tool... Current Status: ACTIVATED! HAVE FUN :P 04.05.2021 22:44
hiNY is BACK! :d 04.05.2021 22:44
Ahtapot31 go 04.05.2021 22:44
'SMA'L SADASDASDASDA 04.05.2021 22:46
T E G !gloves 04.05.2021 22:46
hiNY is BACK! GG 04.05.2021 22:46
'SMA'L :(( 04.05.2021 22:46
LEON ateş etsene abı 04.05.2021 22:47
Obersoldaten :D 04.05.2021 22:47
uA '₅₃ selçukçum herkese bakma öyle 04.05.2021 22:47
Obersoldaten afferin sana 04.05.2021 22:47
Obersoldaten aimer 04.05.2021 22:47
LEON ;) 04.05.2021 22:47
LEON neferınız 04.05.2021 22:47
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:47
'SMA'L !ws 04.05.2021 22:48
'SMA'L !glove 04.05.2021 22:48
'SMA'L !knife 04.05.2021 22:49
T E G !knifes 04.05.2021 22:51
T E G !knife 04.05.2021 22:51
T E G !knife 04.05.2021 22:53
hiNY is BACK! TEG HO 04.05.2021 22:53
magnalux qgwoqgklqg 04.05.2021 22:53
T E G !ws 04.05.2021 22:53
T E G !knife 04.05.2021 22:57
T E G !ws 05.05.2021 01:56
Obersoldaten alkjtgakjhgaıukhgas 05.05.2021 01:59
Obersoldaten olm 05.05.2021 01:59
Obersoldaten hahahaahah 05.05.2021 01:59
uA '₅₃ ağzına vurdu sialhı 05.05.2021 01:59
Obersoldaten Unluko game 05.05.2021 01:59
Ahtapot31 16-15 yapcaz 05.05.2021 01:59
Ahtapot31 korkun 05.05.2021 01:59
hiNY is BACK! LONGLARI AŞIRI BERBAT AMK 05.05.2021 01:59
Obersoldaten GG 05.05.2021 02:00
hiNY is BACK! GG 05.05.2021 02:00
'SMA'L gg 05.05.2021 02:00
uA '₅₃ gg 05.05.2021 02:00